Monday, February 11, 2008

Absolute Genius

By now you've probably seen the "Yes We Can" video in support of Barack Obama. It's brilliant and Scarlett Johansson looks hot in it and it was probably worth a couple points to Senator Obama on Super Tuesday. Well today, the Huffington Post links to a video spoof of the Yes We Can video that tries to apply that same magic to John McCain and the result is absolutely hilarious. Here's the original Yes We Can video:

But then check out this parody of John McCain.

The difference between the two videos really speaks volumes about the upcoming election. In Barack Obama (or Hillary Clinton) we have a genuine leader who can transform the world. In John McCain... not so much.

Update #1: Here's the YouTube link to the parody video (from an LA comic calling himself so you can send it to your friends:

Update #2: Americablog is reporting that the video was created by LA comedian Andy Cobb. Here are the folks who worked on the video:

Andy Cobb
Josh Funk
Nyima Funk
Marc Evan Jackson
Dave Pompeii
Marc Warzecha
Mark Kienlen

Deep bow, my friends, deep bow.

1 comment:

Smart Scribe said...

Toby -

I'm still laughing ten minutes later. This parody was pitch perfect the whole way through - right through the final two seconds. I like it when the mom covers her son's ears about halfway through.

Amen, sister.

And thank you for including the original Obama piece so I wouldn't have to hunt for it.
