Saturday, September 20, 2008

Stuff white people like -- stealing the life savings of millions of people

One of the interesting things about the current financial industry meltdown (and really the last seven years in general) is to witness how totally fucking corrupt white people are. I'm not talking just any white people -- I'm talking respectable, Ivy League educated, head of their class, happy to go to their college reunion white people. Totally. Fucking. Corrupt. They will steal your grandma's life savings the moment no one is watching -- and go home to their families like nothing happened. It's really quite something when you think about it.

Update #1. A commenter pointed out that perhaps I had maybe over generalized a bit by blaming white people entirely for the financial industry meltdown. But the more I think about it, the more I think maybe I understated things. White people seem particularly skilled at the art of stealing a whole investment bank or robbing a whole country in the middle of the night (and getting away with it -- that's the crazy part!). Hell they stole THREE WHOLE CONTINENTS in the 16th century so I guess stealing the life savings of millions of Americans and THEN grabbing $1 trillion from the U.S. Treasury is just "par for the course" as they say.


Caleb Mardini said...

I don't think you could hold this to just one group.

RFK Action Front said...

Hi Caleb:

Thanks for your comment. (-: I suppose, as you say, we can't hold this to just one group -- but white people sure are good at this kind of steal a whole investment bank, rob a whole country in the middle of the night kind of thing. Hell they stole THREE WHOLE CONTINENTS in the 16th century so I guess grabbing $1 trillion from the U.S. Treasury is just "par for the course." Fuckin white people man -- always taking shit that isn't theirs. Thanks again for taking the time to write.


Jenny from the Block said...

"I'm not talking just any white people -- I'm talking respectable, Ivy League educated, head of their class, happy to go to their college reunion white people" Dude: that's YOU ... think it is much more complicated than that ...

RFK Action Front said...

Hi Jenny from the block:

First off, thanks for writing.

Second, thanks for highlighting my favorite sentence in the post. I LOVE that sentence.

Third, I'm not sure I understand the second sentence -- but it made me laugh out loud (Dude: that's YOU) so thanks for that. Is the clause after that... [although I] "think it is much more complicated than that" or [I don't] "think it's much more complicated than that." or something else perhaps?

Again, thank you for writing.


p.s. thanks for putting that JLo song in my head now too.